Dominican Republic Outreach

While I was getting ready for church service one Sunday morning, out of the blue the Lord spoke to me and said " I am sending you to the Dominican Republic.

I had zero contacts and no funds for the mission, but with the help Pastor Lee Edwards and the staff at 1st Baptist of McKinney, TX, as well as the help from so many others we were on our way.

We traveled from Santa Domingo through the jungles of D.R., up to the border of Haiti preaching the Gospel of Christ Jesus and handing out school supplies and food.

The pictures below are a small example of what we experienced on our trip and I am so grateful to the Lord for opening this door and for everyone that supported this soul winning mission.

Santo Domingo Christmas Outreach

During our visit to The Dominican Republic were were invited to stay at the house of a mighty man of God Pastor Humberto Deschamps from Iglesia Dios in Haina.

Without knowing me or my family Pastor Deschamps opened up his home to our family and took care of us the entire trip. Plus, I was able to see first hand how this man transformed a impoverished community.

  1. Building a church right in the middle of the town.

  2. Building a private school at no cost to the parents.

  3. Purchasing a school bus that doubled as an ambulance for the local hospital.

He was a humble servant of the Lord and will e richly rewarded by our King when the time comes.

In the pictures below we were able to support his annual Christmas Toy outreach for the local children. Pastor Deschamps and his staff are such humble servants of the Lord and we were happy to just be a small part of this project.