Thanksgiving Outreach - 2024

Place: Kingdom Life Fellowship - Fairview TX

Address: 885 TX-5, Fairview, TX 75069

Mission Objective: This multi- church effort is aimed at reaching out to families in need in the McKinney area. Our goal is to provide a turkey and a bag of groceries for 100-200 families.

Pastor Lee A. Edwards of Kingdom Life Fellowship asked for my help in organizing this event, building on our prior successful collaborations. We will host three separate events, ministering to both adults and children, each with tailored Gospel messages. We are also working on a strong follow plan for anyone that either needs ongoing prayer or have made their decision for Christ at the event.

We are meeting every two weeks on process and implementation strategies to ensure a seamless process. If your church would like to participate please reach out to me at

Be Blessed - Anthony

2025 Feed My Sheep Project:


Our mission is to continue building a coalition of churches to support feeding over 400 orphans in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. After learning about the horrific abuse many of these children have endured, I felt deeply moved by the Holy Spirit to assist Pastor Felipe Cruz in any way I could.

We are seeking 20 churches to partner with us, offering both monthly support and participation in joint mission trips in the future.

Please take a moment to watch the video, and feel free to reach out with any questions. I would be honored to meet with any church that feels called to join this effort.


Streetside Shower Support

We've collaborated with several churches in the Plano, TX area to support Streetside Showers, an initiative aiding the homeless population in North Texas. Streetside Showers operates four mobile shower units, providing hot showers, meals, grooming supplies, clothing, and water to those in need. The Bridge, in partnership with Central Church, Rio de Vida, and Genisis Centre, contributes water supplies every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Pastor Ian Chellan, Pastor Alan Pixley, Pastor Paul Cooke, and Pastor Armador Castro for their dedicated efforts in supplying water each week.

Feed My Sheep Outreach Event 4/29/23

What an incredible event to be a part of and what a total team effort. To see so many people give their lives to the Lord was the ultimate reward.

Feed My Sheep 2023 Mission Project

Feed My Sheep 2023 Mission Project

Mission Objectives:

  1. We are raising funds to help purchase 7.2 tons of food for 300 families. We are going to have three separate evangelistic events where we are reaching the lost through the Gospel and then blessing the families with groceries for a week. Each bag of groceries will cost $25 per family.

    We will be there first hand purchasing the food, and helping Pastor Claudio’s church team pack all of the supplies. We will see firsthand how every single dollar is spent.

  2. Setting up discipleship action plans for those that receive the Lord during the meetings.

  3. I will be bringing a word of salvation to a local youth prison in the area.

  4. Pastor Claudio Romeiro is also setting up various youth events at a local soccer field where we can share the gospel.

  5. Helen and I will also be sharing our testimony.

We need your help to make this trip a success. You can donate via our website on the donate tab, and you will receive a contribution letter from our ministry for tax purposes since we are a 501C3 organization.

Lastly, as always we will provide pictures and video and answer any questions that you might have. More than anything else we could use your prayer for safe travels, for a fresh anointing to reach the lost, and to obtain a vision for future events.

May our Father in heaven richly bless you in Christ Jesus!



Today’s Prayer:

Father, we come before you once again as we stand in the gap for our nation,

We declare and decree blessings over this country,

As You continue to be the wall of fire surrounding Israel and the glory within her midst we are entitled to the same protection for the United States,

All because of the blood that was shed for us on Calvary,

All because Your body is still praying and believing in faith that Your hand is still upon this nation,

It is obvious Lord Jesus that Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are not our thoughts,

But Lord, we are familiar with Your ways and Your thoughts because of Your Word,

That the things that were written before were written for our learning, that through the patience and the comfort of the scriptures, we might have hope,

We don’t know how or when this nation will be revived, but we know according to Your Word that You have prepared a table for us in the presence of our enemies,

That you anoint our heads with oil and our cup runneth over, and goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives,

That we shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday,

No evil shall befall us, and Your truth shall be our shield and our buckler,

You will deliver us from the snare of the fowler,

Lord, You said in scripture that darkness falls over the land and deep darkness over the people, but the Glory of the Lord shall be upon us,

And that we would walk as a light in the midst of great darkness,

You told Abraham that you would not destroy Sodom if you found only five righteous people,

Lord, your Body the church has been praying for this nation, and far be it from you to leave us as orphans against this evil that has worked its way into our nation,

You said that You would never leave us nor forsake us,

We are aware of the exceeding greatness of Your power toward us who believe,

It is the same power that raised Christ from the dead and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father,

Far above all principality, power, might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come,

The name of Jesus is above every evil spirit of division, every evil spirit of hatred, every evil spirit of perversion, and every evil spirit of blindness to the truth,

Jesus, You told us in the Gospel that You have given us authority over every serpent and scorpion and over all the power of the enemy and that nothing shall by any means hurt us,


Lord, we humbly repent on behalf of this nation, and we desire such a move of Your Spirit that even those who curse You now will come to the understanding of Your love, Your Mercy, and Your Grace,

We pray that revival spreads across this nation like a wildfire and that this nation would once again return to You,

Lead us once again beside the still waters, Lead us once again to the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake,

We declare and decree that no weapon formed against us shall prosper,

As we repent humbly before You, there is a promise that You would heal our land,

That You would save us, and deliver us because we know Your name,

We know that Your plans for this nation are good, to prosper us and to give us a peaceful future,

Peace, not as the world gives but the peace of Christ Jesus Himself,

Lord, we pray for peace, unity, humility, protection, forgiveness and revival across this nation, 

From Seattle to Portland Maine, we ask that You Bless this nation,

From Chicago to Houston, we ask that You bless this nation,

From Los Angeles to New York, we ask that You bless this nation, 

And from Minnesota to Miami, we ask that You bless this nation,

And we ask this in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…..Amen!




Prayer Requests:

If you have any prayer requests please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


Feel free to contact us with any questions or prayer requests.
